Nielsen's latest findings reveal that radio is the platform that reaches the most people.

Move Over, Millennials

And while we're on the topic of interesting data points from Nielsen – Gen Z has become the biggest consumers of media, of all time – on all devices. That's all devices, not just the latest ones.

Time to step aside Millennials.

(a useful guide for those who are not sure what the difference is)

Gen Z consume the most, and interestingly, the most varied media.

While Millennials are living in smaller households, and of course definitely not buying any houses, Gen Z have the benefits of having all of the new and fun devices that Millennials have – while also enjoying all of the older forms of media that might already exist in their household.

Because you know, they're probably still living with their parents.

So in America's households that have television, it's actually Gen Z that make up the most numerous generational audience over all. They're also the ones to have the most expensive technology, including tablets and game consoles.

The general trend is continued increase consumption and adoption of devices and platforms, across generations
– as demonstrated by the side-to-side of presidents and phones (see more).